Thinking of starting a wonderful sport that caters for all age groups and all abilities. There are not alot of sports that can take that claim, but Line Dancing is one of them. I have classes for all levels of fitness and abilities and the whole time you are dancing and having fun you are getting a huge amount of benefits.
1/ Line Dancing is a choreographed routine of dancing in lines (so no partners necessary) which in turnworks the brain.
2/ While working thebrainyou are using differentmuscles/ your balanceand yourmemory.
3/ And while all this is going on you arelistening to wonderful music from all genres. Did you know music has wonderful effects on the body. It is known to stimulate emotions. Help with anxiety. Can uplift your mood. Is known to lower blood pressure and sometimes help with pain relief.
4/ And if that is not enough, it is a wonderful, safe environment to socialisein.
I teach from my Raw Beginners through to my Intermediate Plus Classes so there is a class for you.
Come along and give it a go.....You might just find a wonderful addiction with awesome side effects :)